Hey Readers!

Sorry for the strange positions of the pictures, I spent quite a while trying to get them all on the top row, but alas, it didn't work. Anyway, I thought it would be cool to start a segment called "Cover-To-Cover." It's kind of inspired by a picture we took at Candlewick of all of us holding different cover options of Angel Burn (which was reviewed by Sara below, so check it out!). These are all pictures of the cover of the exact same book, word for word. We received the top right one from Candlewick, and it didn't seem like the book i'd want to read. After visiting candlewick, where they showed us the bottom right cover, I was strongly considering reading it. And just now, after googling it and finding the top left one, I am now deciding to read it. So, my question for those who have read it is, which one reflects the story better? And for those who haven't, which one makes you want to read it? Have an awesome day,

P.S. We're on a break from school, so we've been traveling and stuff! Sorry for the un-plethora of posting!
P.P.S. I will still not do any sunday stuff, because i don't want to be the only nerd posting. So post! Even if you haven't read anything! (like what i just did here). But I DID post the best-seller list, If you're interested.
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