Thursday, April 14, 2011

A Message to Our Dear Readers

We now have over 400 views on our blog (YAY!!) (even though most of the views come from us :).  Anyways, posting on the blog is really fun!  But you know what could make it just a little bit funner (even though “funner” isn’t a word :) )?
            PLEASE COMMENT ON OUR POSTS!  I know it doesn’t seem like a big deal, but It would fill each of us with the following emotions. It would make us feel:
            -much, much, more…

So please.. COMMENT!!!


  1. See! I just commented! Isn't that easy?

  2. Hey! (Calm down, it's just me, Alice, not a cool and random person). But i completely agree. and those emotions ARE fun, so with just a minute of your time, you could help us feel all of the above!! huzzah!

  3. Yah!!! I am helping as well!!!! Readers of the world make us feel good!! Please it would make our day!!!!
